Monday, September 15, 2014

Readin’, ‘Ritin’, ‘Rithmetic and Religion


Readin’, ‘Ritin’, ‘Rithmetic and Religion


A new school year is about to begin and government education is cranking up for another year of teaching the 4 Rs.  We are all familiar with the 3 R’s, but no one talks about the 4th R, religion, The religion of public schools has been a major influence over the education of our childrenwith disastrous results. Here is what you should know about it.


Teachers in our public schools belong to powerful political unions known as the National Education Association, the NEA and the American Federation of Teachers, the AFT.Both these unions work with the Department of Education, the DOE, as they oversee the government’s educationagenda in our schools.  The unions and DOE endorse the religion of Humanism, which guides their influence over educational content nationally. The beliefs or tenets of this religion are contained in documents known as TheHumanist Manifestos I and II.  There are ten basic tenets of Humanism that guide the unions and DOE in determining the content of school curricula and textbooks. The tenetsshaping these materials are as follows:


There is no God, his Son, Jesus Christ or his Spirit.
There is no soul, life after death, salvation, heaven or hell.
Humans are derived through evolutionary forces in nature.
There are no absolutes of right or wrong.  Moral values are situational.
There are no distinctive roles of male and female.
Sexual freedom is between consenting individualsincluding pre-marital sex, adultery, homosexuality, lesbianism or any other consensual arrangement.
Anyone has the right to abortion, euthanasia and suicide.
America’s wealth needs to be equally distributed to reduce poverty and bring about equality for all.
The environment must be controlled and all its energy sources.
National patriotism and the free enterprise system must be removed. Disarmament and the creation of a one-world socialistic government is the desired outcome.


Before the Ten Tenets of Humanism, we had the Ten Commandments of God that guided the founding of our country and its directions in education. But, the move to dislodge the commandments was begun in the early 1900’s as European and German philosophers influenced byHumanism came to this country with the belief that God hindered man’s evolution.  Their beliefs became the driving force behind a radically different education system.  The great object was to get rid of Judeo- Christian values by establishing a system of state or national schools from which God would be excluded. All parents would be compelled by law to send their children to these schools if they had no other means of educating their children.


These philosophers influenced the view of American education and gathered disciples in higher education, such as John Dewey and his colleagues at Columbia Teachers College, who began to share the vision. These men became known as “Progressives” as they gradually movededucation away from a Judeo- Christian, capitalistic, individualistic nation to a socialistic, collectivist, atheistic and humanist nation.


John Dewey analyzed the traditional American education system and concluded that what characterized America’scapitalist, individualistic, religious system was high literacy. There was an emphasis on language learning which produced individuals and young people with independent intelligence who could stand on their own two feet and think for themselves.  


Dewey realized this approach of learning did not produce a collectivist type of individual, so he set out to make a radical shift from the development of academic skills to the development of social skills.  He wanted to shift education to deal with activities rather than the mind and intellect. His idea was to divorce students from the intellectual,academic, religious pursuits that dominated education. This change has been gradual over time and we have accepted the alterations without much resistance.  


In 1930, Humanism, A New Religion, by Charles Francis Potter, was published, in which the author stated, “Education is thus a most powerful ally of Humanism and every American public school is a school of Humanism.  What can the theistic Sunday schools, meeting for an hour once a week, and teaching only a fraction of the children do to stem the tide of a five-day program of humanistic teaching?”


Readin’, ‘Ritin’, ‘Rithmetic and Religion have undergone serious malevolent adjustments over the years as Humanist educators have taken over the public schools and manipulated these subjects  resulting in the deformity ofour country and the education of its people. Theestablishment of this religion of Humanism in our schoolsmust stop.  Our Congress should expel its existence so that it cannot continue forcing itself into our lives through our educational system.  It is time to petition the government for a redress of such a grievance as this and stem the tide of the five-day program of the 4th R, the religion of Humanism. This is tyranny over the minds of children held captive in public schools.


Priscilla Carroll is a resident of Athens, Georgia and aformer public school teacher.



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