The College Board has sent a
warning ‘touch-base’ letter to the NC State Board of Education, because clearly the NC State Board of Education must be confused if they are questioning APUSH. Right?
They’ve got feedback. That proves it must be all good, right? Shades of Common Core.
See below.
From: “Bassett, Stacy” <>
Date: October 2, 2014 at 3:52:28 PM EDT
To: “” <>, “” <>, “” <>, “” <>, “” <>, “” <>, “” <>, “” <>, “” <>, “” <>, “” <>, “” <>, “” <>, “” <>, “” <>, “” <>, “” <>, “” <>, “” <>, “” <>
Subject: APUSH Touch Base
Dear Chairman Cobey and Members of the North Carolina Board of Education, I am Stacy Bassett with the College Board, and I am contacting you to relay some updates regarding the redesign of the AP U.S. History course. Understanding that this topic has been of interest to a number of you and your constituents, I wanted to share this information personally.
First, given the concerns that have been shared about the redesign, the College Board has implemented a process for collecting feedback to ensure fidelity to college credit requirements and a balanced view of America’s history. From October 1, 2014, through February 28, 2015, the College Board is providing the opportunity for interested parties to submit feedback through our website. Feedback from educators and the public that is accompanied by evidence to support recommendations will be reviewed by the AP U.S. History committee. Following review of feedback from the public, the committee will provide in summer 2015 an overview of the feedback and the rationale behind decisions to keep or change any contested language or structuring.
Second, in order to be more transparent, the College Board is providing copies of previous U.S. History AP exams from 1999 to present. Not only will access to these tests provide an additional preparatory opportunity for teachers and students, but it makes the exams accessible and open to the public. Those exams can be found here.
Finally, two new resources – along with the aforementioned content – are available on the College Board’s newly expanded AP U.S. History page. There is an updated version of the AP U.S. History Course and Exam Description, which clarifies the AP U.S. History committee’s intentions for how teachers and students would use the AP U.S. History framework. The wording in this has been clarifiedto include the following: “Every AP Exam question will be rooted in these specified learning objectives, requiring a student to draw upon the historical evidence selected by the teacher for each learning objective.” The inclusion of this sentence makes it clear that teachers are responsible for selecting their course content and have complete freedom to focus in depth on essential content such as the Founding Documents, WWII, key leaders in the Civil Rights movement and other topics. There is also a new section on “How to Use the Content Online” on pages 29-31, as well as aCurriculum Framework Evidence Planner, to help teachers plan and teach the course.
Thank you for your time, and I hope you will find this information helpful
Stacy H. Bassett
Senior Director, State Government Relations
College Board
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